Transaction and Journal Wizard Pro

These three wizards will a sheet able to list:

Tip: Note if you click on a Nominal, Stock figure in the CXL sheets, and select the "Trans" menu, then Options "Copy Transactions" you can paste similar information into the sheet from the clipboard.

"GL Journals List"

This Sheet will list all Journals for GL Account.

The Journals can be filtered by Cost Centres (AKA Classes and Locations in QuickBooks and Tracking1 and Tracking2 in Xero).

Formating Options

"Invoice List"

This Sheet will list all Transactions, and optionally Transactions lines, for a Customer/Vendor, for x periods from year and period.

Formating Options

"Stock Items Sold List"

This Sheet will list all Stock Movements by Stock Code, for x periods from year and period. It also lists the Last Cost and Profit based on Last Cost calculated by Consolidated XL.

Formating Options

Online Training

While not required, it may be helpful to complete the Training on functions and how they are used so that the concepts are more clearly understood.

Online Training on CXL functions and how to use them.